Association of Ewell Downs Residents

Information for residents and visitors to Ewell Downs area of Surrey, UK
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 Post subject: Priest Hill
PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 4:14 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:40 am
Posts: 33
The Council’s Planning Committee meeting held on 9th Feb 2012 may well become a landmark and a turning point of the long history of this land. By the decisions taken they will bring to an end the around 30 yearlong problems of traveller incursions, dumping of rubbish, illegal use by motorbikes, general anti-social behaviour and criminal activity that have been a serious concern all this time for local residents, the police and the Council.

Members were unanimous that the proposals (not including the area to the north of the bridle path towards Cheam Road and the train station – where the rugby pitches are located) go forward to the Secretary of State with a recommendation to permit the development.

Briefly, the development would embrace the following:-

  • Reclamation of all land and restoration and change of use to a nature reserve removal of derelict buildings
  • Construction of a Rangers House and Nature Reserve Maintenance Building with access from Reigate Road
  • The freehold of the Nature Reserve and ranger’s house and maintenance base be transferred to the Surrey Wildlife Trust
  • “Enabling Development” of 15 houses using the same access from Reigate Road and constructed at the southern end of the site adjoining North Looe and the reservoir – note, this new build development accounts for 5% of the total site surface area.

There are around 30 specific conditions – too numerous to list here – attached to the recommendation of approval. Planning committee members will be able to fill in and explain these if desired and also elaborate at the AGM.

NB. Residents may notice some activity on the site from Monday 20 February. This relates to an archaeological investigation, limited to the area to be occupied by the enabling housing and the 2/3 ponds to be constructed. The activity will be very much like the “Time Team” television programme and will involve a JCB or tracked vehicle to dig the trenches. Consequently it is quite possible that a low loader may arrive at the Reigate Road entrance on Monday morning. Residents can be assured that this is not a premature development of the site. How long this work takes will depend on what is or is not found.

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